
Collections represent arrays of models. They are returned by a hasMany association, or by one of the ModelClass query methods:

let posts = schema.blogPosts.all();
let posts = schema.blogPosts.find([1, 2, 4]);
let posts = schema.blogPosts.where({published: true});

Instance properties

These properties are available on your collection instances.


The plain array of models in this collection.

Instance methods

These methods are available on your collection instances.


Returns the dasherized model name of models in this collection.

let posts = author.blogPosts.all();

posts.modelName; // "blog-post"

update(key, val)

Updates each model in the collection (persisting immediately to the db).

let posts = author.blogPosts.all();

posts.update('published', true); // the db was updated for all posts


Saves all models in the collection.

let posts = author.blogPosts.all();

posts.models[0].published = true;; // all posts saved to db


Reloads each model in the collection.

let posts = author.blogPosts.all();

// ...

posts.reload(); // reloads data for each post from the db


Destroys the db record for all models in the collection.

let posts = author.blogPosts.all();

posts.destroy(); // all posts removed from db


Returns a new Collection with its models sorted according to the provided compare function

let posts = author.blogPosts.all();

let postsByTitleAsc = posts.sort((a, b) => {
  return b.title < a.title;


Returns a new Collection with only the models that pass the test implemented by the provided function.

let posts = author.blogPosts.all();

let longPosts = posts.filter((postModel) => {
  return postModel.wordCount >= 1000;